Project Info
Project: Spiders Alive!
Type: Museum and Exhibition
Design: AMNH Exhibition Department
Partnership: ColorEdge
Expertise: Lead Exhibition Graphics, Art Direction
We had the uphill battle to demystify spider’s unjust reputation as monsters and frightful creatures established by mainstream media.
We strategically used a colorful palette for the graphics, a playful tone of voice for the interpretation, and a whimsical approach to the photography to establish the exhibition's design vocabulary.
An ecosystem of live animals, oversized sculptures, vibrant graphics, friendly tone, and live-handling events helped uncover the introverted life of spiders.
The colorful, playful, and personable graphic language played a pivotal role in setting the right tone and the exhibition's look and feel.
A-list cast photo shoot, including the colossal Goliath birdeater, the misunderstood Tarantulas, the sneaky Trap-Door spiders, the artistic Orb-weaving spider, the necrotic Brown Recluse (don’t Google that), and the Hawaiian Happy-face spider.